Juan Pablo Dabove, Nightmares of the Lettered City. Banditry and Literature in Latin America, 1816-1929

  • Elías Palti UNQ / CONICET


Juan Pablo Dabove, Nightmares of the Lettered City. Banditry and Literature in Latin America, 1816-1929, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007, 381 páginas

How to Cite
Palti, E. (2009). Juan Pablo Dabove, Nightmares of the Lettered City. Banditry and Literature in Latin America, 1816-1929. Prismas - Revista De Historia Intelectual, 13(1), 333-337. Retrieved from https://historiaintelectual.com.ar/OJS/index.php/Prismas/article/view/Palti_prismas13